MongoDB Drop All Empty Collections
A short script to drop all empty collections in MongoDB or a compatible database like AWS DocumentDB or Azure CosmosDB.
A short script to drop all empty collections in MongoDB or a compatible database like AWS DocumentDB or Azure CosmosDB.
Get some elegancy for your Vuex modules in setup scripts. Stop writing magic strings to use your Vuex stores. Stop double-typing to have action and getter types in your components.
Embedding your email address to public webite is a real solid way to start collecting spam to your inbox. From all the millions of dev outsourcing companies offering their next gen services to princes wanting so bad to send you money.
I found a tedious bug for Safari (which by 10 July 2018 is still not fixed) when preloading svgs for a game I was developing. Issue was that all svgs that were loaded, were drawn over last one, like the canvas wasn't cleared.